Tuesday 29 September 2015


A music genre is a conventional category that identifies a certain type of music to a specific category.

Defining genre
Genre is a certain name that is given to a specific piece of music, perhaps with a different beat or a different sound of voice throughout.

Different Genres 
Rock              Heavy Metal    Alternative  Opera           Blues       Dub-step
Indie              Folk                  Folk             Electronic    Soul         House
Indie Rock     Rap                   Pop              House          Reggae
Jazz Blues      Classical          Punk             Acapella      Hip-Hop

Monday 28 September 2015

Main Task

 Main Task-the front page, contents and double page spread of a new music magazine. All the images and texts used must be original, produced by you- minimum of 4 images.

Monday 21 September 2015



Language- conventions used to get a message across to an audience. Colours and image placement are key factors of the language of media, as they help us understand the concept of the product. You will be able to know and understand the meaning of a message from the layout, design, imagery, photography and theme. The composition of colours, connotations are all very crucial things in the language of the product as they help you understand the key aspects of what is going to be shown to you.


Institution- any organisation that helps produce the product. People who work to promote the product to a point where many people know of the product. In the institution your ideology will be good and you will want to create better for the product.


Ideology- values and beliefs. It is what makes us, us.  Helps us understand things and to create stories and understand values. We have certain attitudes towards different things and different ways to present ourselves throughout society. It is our own individual belief.


Audience- groups or individuals, which will read the text. The target audience has to suit the product and for it to be fitted to them. The colour’s have to be inviting to the correct target audience. The language throughout has to suit the product, so essentially it is suited to the target audience.


Representation- everything mixed together to create success in the product. It is why everything happens and what message it give and why everything is on the mag. It is how something on the magazine or the full magazine is represented to the consumers.


Joop, Real Men Wear Pink- this advert is basically saying that if you wear pink as a man you will get a women’s attention because it is not a stereotypical colour a man will wear, it tends to be related to women. The statement they use is ‘Real Men Wear Pink’ which is very bold, the connotations you get from this is that if you don’t wear this you’re not a real man.